We have been featured by media outlets not just in Tasmania, but across Australia and indeed the world!

Explore below some of the articles published over the years about the Rupertswood Farm Crop Maze:
(Click on the link to view in pdf format):
2018 (The Land) From silage to secret pathways – Maize gazing brings tourism to Tasmania
2018 (The Mercury) Porte enshrined in amazing maze
2018 (ABC News) Richie Porte homegrown Tasmanian cycling champion captured in crop maze tribute
2016 (The Examiner) Hagley’s Rupertswood Farm Crop Maze enjoys amazing growth
2015 (BBC) Huge poppy maze unveiled on Tasmanian farm as WW1 tribute
2015 (The Telegraph UK) Australian farmers create poppy-shaped maze as war tribute
2014 (ABC Rural) Reviving the Tasmanian Tiger in a crop of sorghum